Toriko no Chigiri 01 English Sub





Toriko no Chigiri 01 English Sub

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Japanese title: Chijoku no Keiyaku

English title: An Agreement of Humiliation

Type: Hentai English Sub

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Adaptation: Visual novel of Guilty eX

Release date: 06/12/2013

Resource: Anidb

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Production: Mary Jane

Animation Studio: Studio 1st

Fansub Team: Erobeat

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column css= ».vc_custom_1555847839286{margin-top: 20px !important;} »][vc_column_text]Toriko no Chigiri 01 English Sub:Toriko no Chigiri 01 English Sub

After losing their parents, Yakumo Rio and her younger sister were adopted by their grandparents. Subsequently, they find themselves in a delicate situation. One day, his sick grandfather, a rival clan takes the opportunity to attack the Yakumo clan. Following the proposal of another clan, the Innami clan, Rio accepts an agreement to save his clan and his little sister, which may cost them a lot…

We meet a beautiful purple-haired girl named Rio Yakumo. She and her sister, Miyu, find themselves in a delicate situation, to say the least. Their grandfather leads a group of Yakuza, and he suddenly falls ill. Meanwhile, another group is proposing a takeover, which could be crippling for many people involved. In order for the Yakumo family to prosper, she will have to make an agreement with a rival clan to gain her support. However, it will cost them a woman or two. What will happen to these two sisters still pure?
