Pinkerton 02 English Subbed
Pinkerton 02 English Subbed :
Kyouko Inukai embodies order and discipline as chair of the student committee.
Of course, she does not let anything happen randomly, and yet …
It was enough of a single clumsiness on his part,
and here she is sexually harassed by each of the heads she has dropped.
Tied up and immobilized, she will be abused by two students.
After fiery hugs, new students will appear to maltreat their president.
Pinkerton 02 English Subbed :
Japanese title: E-Motional / Mahoroba wa Shikakui Mado ni / To Be Happy Now
English title: E-Motional / Mahoroba Turns Into A Square Window / To Be Happy Now
Adaptation: Based on the manga of Monorino
Release date: 14/10/2016
Animation studio: Mediabank
Fansub team: Hentai Haven