Pinkerton 01 English Subbed


Pinkerton 01 English Subbed :

A father left his company leaving a large debt.
The board of directors and a few employees sequestrate her daughter so that she can redeem herself on her behalf.

「Mahoroba Turns Into A Square Window」
A young high school student, Hikari Yuzuhara, sitting at the back of the school bus, helplessly attends an orgy.
She will play despite herself a major role in this debauchery.

To Be Happy Now
A young high school student, Hikari Yuzuhara, sitting at the back of the school bus, helplessly attends an orgy.
She will play a major role in this debauchery, but this time with new guests.


Pinkerton 01 English SubbedPinkerton 01 English Subbed :

Japanese title: E-Motional / Mahoroba wa Shikakui Mado ni / To Be Happy Now

English title: E-Motional / Mahoroba Turns Into A Square Window / To Be Happy Now

Adaptation: Based on the manga of Monorino

Release date: 22/07/2016

Animation studio: Mediabank

Fansub team: Hentai Haven