Oyomesama Honey Days 01 English Subbed


Oyomesama Honey Days 01 English Subbed :

On a beautiful sunny day, Haruna-san’s best friend, Morisawa-san, confesses to her being a sexual pervert, and having a soft spot for women’s buttocks. The latter admits to be also a sexual pervert, and attracted by the buttocks of men. She wants more than anything to rub his face against male buttocks and lick them with his tongue. After these words, Morisawa-san decides to try the experiment with her best friend.


Oyomesama Honey Days 01 English SubbedOyomesama Honey Days 01 English Subbed :

Japanese title: Oyomesama Honey Days

English title: Honey Days

Adaptation: Based on the manga of Tana

Release date: 28/11/2014

Animation studio: Breakbottle

Fansub team: Sub-DESU-H