Muttsuri Dosukebe Russia 02 English Sub



Muttsuri Dosukebe Russia 02 English Sub

Japanese title: Boku no Gishimai ga Bitch…

English title: The reason my step-sisters are…

Release: English sub

Adaptation: CG-set by Torya

Release date: 06 july 2018

Resource: AniDB

Production: Bunny Walker (Lune)

Animation Studios: T-Rex

Fansub Team: SakuraCircle


Muttsuri Dosukebe Russia 02 English Sub

Muttsuri Dokukebe Russia 02The father of a young high school student recently remarried a Russian girl with protruding breasts. Also, she has two daughters sharing her origins, and they are all equally interesting. Finally, this feminine trio appreciates the spirit of community… and unlimited lubricity.

Komiya Takashi is a young high school student, without a friend, or even a girlfriend. Despite his status as a male character, he has something special: his two half-sisters and his Russian stepmother are hot sluts with questionable hobbies. Being the man responsible for the family next to his father (who is conveniently absent), Takashi disciplines his stepsisters to prostitute themselves after school.

Muttsuri Dosukebe Russia is a fabulous title starring healthy girls with oversized breasts that will make any dick feel right at home. The quality of the production can be random, but when it comes to raw sex, this anime is second to none. If you liked the artistic style of Ura Jutaijima, then you will certainly appreciate this one.