Monmusu Quest 01 English Subbed


Monmusu Quest 01 English Subbed :

They were called « Demons ».

To regulate the surplus of humans that the Goddess created, these monsters were designed.
Unfortunately, it was a failure.

As a legendary hero who saved the world,
Luka aspires to design a place where humans and demons could live in peace.

To fulfill his ideal, the Monster Lord Alicefeeze is at his side …
Luka continues her journey alongside Alice so that humanity and other entities can coexist.

It is then that one day they are trapped in a place of illusion dominated by lust and avarice,
manipulated by a mysterious knowledge …


Monmusu Quest 01 English SubbedMonmusu Quest 01 English Subbed :

Japanese title: Gaiden Succubus Gensou (Fantasy)

English title: Side Story: Succubus Illusion (Fantasy)

Adaptation: Based on the visual novel of Torotoro Resistance

Release date: 27/01/2017

Animation studio: Selfish

Fansub team: Hentai Haven