Koukai Benjo 01 English Sub





Koukai Benjo 01 English Sub

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Japanese title: Watashi wa 411-mei no Dansei ni Okasareta

English title: I Was Raped by 411 Men

Type: Hentai English Sub

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Adaptation: Manga of Hakaba

Release date: 22/03/2013

Resource: Anidb

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Production: PinkPineapple

Animation Studio: Office TakeOut

Fansub Team: SubDESU-H

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column css= ».vc_custom_1555847839286{margin-top: 20px !important;} »][vc_column_text]Koukai Benjo 01 English Sub:Koukai Benjo 01 English Sub

A school is engaged in funny practices. Each month, a student is designated to become a public toilet. It is available to male students to eliminate their sexual urges, which could affect the proper functioning of the school. This me is Kujou Reika, the student council president.

Everyone knows that high school can be a very stressful time for everyone, and it can be hard to find a good way to relieve that stress. The school in Koukai Benjo the Animation had a very unique solution though. Each month, one female student is chosen to be the school’s « comfort station. » This means that both the other students and the staff as well can use her to relieve their stress however they want to! Of course, that means a lot of sex. And not just any sex; usually, it involves heavy bondage and BDSM, with students and faculty letting out all their stress and frustration by using these girls however they want to. Without real limits, there isn’t anything to hold them back from acting out their darkest fantasies.
