Kan’in Tokkyuu Michi Shio 01 English Sub
Kan’in Tokkyuu Michi Shio 01 English Sub
Production: Digital Works
Animation Studio: Y.O.U.C.
Fansub Team: OppaiSubs
Kan’in Tokkyuu Michi Shio 01 English Sub
On a calm night, a special express train runs along the coast. In one of the train compartments, Miki is blocked against a wall by the train driver. When she tries to scramble, the tinkling of the chains is heard. Weeping, she begs the driver to pardon him. The conductor’s name is Seiji, and this train is his training camp.
There is a rumor among young people that if a person gets on « this » train, they will disappear. Most of them don’t believe it, but it exists. This rumor is called « Michishio ». « Michishio » was created to train young girls and make them sex slaves.
At first glance, the train is like an ordinary train. However, everything changes in a few months. Girls who get on the train are rigorously trained and become sex slaves. Seiji is a train driver. He can do whatever he wants to the girls on the train, because he has a special training capacity. And another « Michishio » is about to leave…