JK to Ero Konbini Tenchou 02 English Sub





JK to Ero Konbini Tenchou 02 English Sub

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Japanese title: Hame Sune Shiori…

English title: Skeptical JK Shiori…

Type: Hentai English Sub

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Adaptation: Visual novel of Blue Gale Light

Release date: 30/09/2016

Resource: Anidb

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Production: A1C

Animation Studio: PoRO

Fansub Team: Hentai Haven

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column css= ».vc_custom_1555847839286{margin-top: 20px !important;} »][vc_column_text]JK to Ero Konbini Tenchou 02 English Sub:JK to Ero Konbini Tenchou 02 English Sub

Labeled after a delicious shot mounted, an employee of a supermarket must achieve the results from a concupiscent man. However, the relationship is quickly discovered by her friend, at the risk of re-inventory… She says she is innocent, but honestly, who can know? It is better to suck the boss’s cock to be sure.

Regretting not to be offended any more, Miki retains his arrogant attitude. But what she does not understand is that by focusing on her achievements, it just feeds the greed of Yoshihiro. « The other two have lost interest… ». And yet, the cat is not there, the mice dance… or rather, they get bored. Shiori and Yui no longer seem to be the priority of their superior, and do not know how to address their frustration with him. As for his side, the terror of the rays in the person of Yoshihiro is doing terribly well, redoubling ingenuity and sleight of hand in order to ridicule his last prey. Always with a patient boyfriend, Miki may be terrified of confronting the truth? Miki, a shy part-time employee, filed her sexual harassment complaint against Yoshihiro. Shortly after, he began to undress her, and took the opportunity to remove her virginity crudely.
